Voici une sélection d'articles sur les risques associés au paiement à la performance.
Frakes, M. D., Frank, M. B., & Seabury, S. A. (2020). The effect of malpractice law on physician supply: Evidence from negligence-standard reforms. Journal of Health Economics, 70, 102272.
Gusmano, M. K., Laugesen, M., Rodwin, V. G., & Brown, L. D. (2020). Getting The Price Right: How Some Countries Control Spending In A Fee-For-Service System. Health Affairs. 39-11
Mathews SC, Makary MA. Billing Quality Is Medical Quality. JAMA. 2020;323(5):409–410.
Chhabra KR, Ibrahim AM, Thumma JR, Ryan AM & Dimick JB (2019). Impact Of Medicare Readmissions Penalties On Targeted Surgical Conditions. Health Affairs, 38(7), 1207-1215.
Brewer, A., Hughes, M. C., & Patel, K. N. (2023). Impact of Repeated Reimbursement Penalties on Hospital Total Quality Scores. Journal of Patient Safety.
Bevan G, Hood C (2006) Have targets improved performance in the English NHS? BMJ. 18;332(7538):419-22.
Birkmeyer N., Birkmeyer J. Strategies for improving Surgical quality-should payers reward excellence or effort ? N Eng J Med, 2006 354,8:864-70
P4P a l’hôpital, Améliorer la stratégie en chirurgie en payant la performance Vs en payant pour une participation à un processus plus collectif de prise en charge?
Heath I, Hippisley-Cox J, Smeeth L (2007) Mesuring performance and missing the point? BMJ 335 1075-1076
Casalino LP, Elster A (2007) Will pay-for- performance and quality reporting affect health care disparities? Health Affairs, 26, no.3 (2007):w405-w414
Millett C, Gray J, Saxena S, Netuveli G, Khunti K, et al. (2007) Ethnic disparities in diabetes management and pay-for- performance in the UK: The Wandsworth Prospective Diabetes Study. PLoS Med 4(6): e191. doi:10.1371/journal. pmed.0040191
Coleman K., Hamblin R. Can Pay-for_performance Improve Quality and Reduce Health disparities, PloS medecine, 2007, 4, (6) e216 : 984-5
Bras PL, Duhamel G., rémunérer les médecins selon leurs performances : les enseignements des expériences étrangères, rapport IGAS RM2008-047P
Gubb J (2009) Have targets done more harm than good in the English NHS? Yes. BMJ. 16;338:a3130
Bevan G (2009) Have targets done more harm than good in the English NHS? No. BMJ.16;338:a3129
Introduction du CAPI, le P4P français Contrat d’amélioration des pratiques professionnelles, 2008
Øvretveit J., Told S. The cost of poor quality and adverse events in healthcare – A review of research for the Swedish healthcare compensation insurance company (Landstingens Omsesidiga Forsakringsbolag (LoF)), The Medical Management Centre, The Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm., 9 october 2009,
Noble M. Cost of Poor Quality in the Medical Laboratory, PPT, 2009
Hoonhout L., de Bruijne M., Wagner C., Zegers M., Waaijman R., Spreeuwenberg P., Asscheman H., Van der Vwal G., Van Tulder M., Direct medical costs of adverse events in Dutch hospitals, BMC Health Services Research 2009, 9:27 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-9-27
Reeves D., Doran, T. Valderas J., Kontopantelis E., Trueman P., Sutton M. How to identify when a performance indicator has run its course, BMJ 2010 2010; 340:c1717
Chen L. Jha A., Guterman S., Rigway A., Orav, J., Epstein A. Hospital cost of care, quality of care, and readmission rates,’ penny wise and pound foolish' Arch Int Med, 2010, 170 (4) 340-46
Rothberg M., Cohen J., Maselli J. Auerbach, J., Little evidence of correlation between growth in health care spending and reduced mortality, Health Affairs, 2010, 29 (8) 1523-1531
Fareed N., Stephen M. To make or to buy safety solutions: A resource dependence and transaction cost economics perperstive, Health Care Management Review, 2011, in press
Nestrigue C., Zeynep O. Surcoût des évènements indésirables associés aux soins à l’hôpital, Premières estimations à partir de neuf indicateurs de sécurité des patients, n° 171 - Décembre 2011
Romley J. Jena A., Goldman D. Hospital spending and inpatient mortality: Evidence from California Ann Intern Med. 2011;154:160-167.
Wardle G. The Impact of Adverse Events on Hospital Outcomes and Sensitivity of Cost Estimates to Diagnostic Coding Error, Doctorate thesis, Toronto University, 2010
James J. Health Policy Brief: Pay-for-Performance," Health Affairs, October 11, 2012
Meddings JA, Reichert H, Rogers MA, Saint S, Stephansky J, McMahon LF. Effect of nonpayment for hospital-acquired, catheter-associated urinary tract infection: a statewide analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2012 Sep 4;157(5):305-12
Lee, G., Kleinman, K., Soumerai, S., Tse, A., Cole, D., Fridkin, S., Horan, T.,Platt, R., Gay, C., Kassler, W., Goldmann, D., John Jernigan, J., Ashish K. Jha, A. Effect of Nonpayment for Preventable Infections in U.S. Hospitals, N Engl J Med 2012;367:1428-37
Houle S., McAlister, F., Jackevicius, C., Chuck, A., Tsuyuki, R. Does Performance-Based Remuneration for Individual Health Care Practitioners Affect Patient Care?: A Systematic Review Ann Intern Med. 18 December 2012;157(12):889-899
Hussey, P., Wertheimer, S., and Mehrotra, A. The Association Between Health Care Quality and Cost: A Systematic Review Ann Intern Med. 1 January 2013;158(1):27-34
Weeks W., Rauh S., Wadsworth E., Weinstein, J. The Unintended Consequences of Bundled Payments Ann Intern Med. 1 January 2013;158(1):62-64
Evangelos K., Reeves R. , Valderas J., Campbell S. , Doran T. Recorded Quality of Primary Care for Patients with Diabetes in England Before and After the Introduction of a Financial Incentive Scheme: a Longitudinal Observational Study . BMJ Quality & Safety 22, no 1 (janvier 1, 2013): 53 64.
Klein E. 21 graphs that show America’s health-care prices are ludicrous, Washington post, March 26
Hawkes N. How the message from mortality figures was missed at Mid Staff BMJ 2013;346:f562
Guterman S., Zezza M., Shoen C. Paying for Value: Replacing Medicare’s Sustainable Growth Rate Formula with Incentives to Improve Care, march 2013, Commonweath fund
Eappen S., Lane B., Rosenberg B., Lipsitz S., Sadoff D., Matheson D., Berry W., Lester M., Gawande A. Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital Finances
Neuman M., Fleisher L.Evaluating outcomes and costs in perioperative care ? JAMASurg, 2013, 148, 10, 905-06
Shepard J., Ward W., Milstone A. ? Carlson T., Frederick J., HAdhazy E., Perl T., Financial Impact of Surgical Site Infections on Hospitals, JAMA Surg. 2013;148(10):907-914.
Zimlichman E, Henderson D, Tamir O, et et al. « Health care–associated infections: A meta-analysis of costs and financial impact on the US health care system ».JAMA Internal Medicine (2 septembre 2013).
Jha, Ashish K., Itziar Larizgoitia, Carmen Audera-Lopez, Nittita Prasopa-Plaizier, Hugh Waters, et David W. Bates. « The Global Burden of Unsafe Medical Care: Analytic Modelling of Observational Studies ». BMJ Quality & Safety 22, no 10 (10 janvier 2013): 809‑815.
Ryan A., Press M., Value-Based Payment for Physicians in Medicare: Small Step or Giant Leap? Ann Intern Med. 2014;160:565-566.
Arriaga A., Gawande A., Raemer D., Jones D., Douglas S., Weinstock P., et al, Pilot Testing of a Model for Insurer-Driven, Large-Scale Multicenter Simulation Training for Operating Room Teams, Ann Surg 2014, 259, 3, 403-410
Robinson J. Comparative Effectiveness Research: From Clinical Information To Economic Incentives, Health Affairs, 29, no.10 (2010):1788-1795
Herzer, K., Niessen L., Constenla D., Ward W., Pronovost P. Cost-Effectiveness of a Quality Improvement Programme to Reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Intensive Care Units in the USA . BMJ Open 4, no 9 (9 janvier 2014): e006065
Meyer G., Demehin A., Liu X., Neuhauser D., Two hundred years of Hospital costs and mortality, New Eng.J. Med, 2012, 366 :23, 2148-49
Smith R., Peedell C. Is the private sector a good thing for the NHS? BMJ 2014;349:g5865
Osborne, N., Nicholas L., Ryan A., Thumma J., Dimick J. Association of Hospital Participation in a Quality Reporting Program With Surgical Outcomes and Expenditures for Medicare Beneficiaries . JAMA 313, no 5 (3 février 2015): 496.
Etzioni, D., Wasif N., Dueck A., Robert R. Cima, Samuel F. Hohmann, James M. Naessens, Amit K. Mathur, et Elizabeth B. Habermann. Association of Hospital Participation in a Surgical Outcomes Monitoring Program With Inpatient Complications and Mortality . JAMA 313, no 5 (3 février 2015): 505.
Padula, W V.; Makic, Mary Beth F.; Wald, Heidi L.; Campbell, Jonathan D.; Nair, Kavita V.; Mishra, Manish K.; Valuck, Robert J. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, Volume 41, Number 6, June 2015, pp. 257-263(7)
Jiang S., Couralet M., Girault A., Fourcade A., Le Vaillant M., Loirat P. ? Minvielle E., The rationale for the French Hospital Experiment with P4P (IFAQ) lessons from abroad, Journal de Gestion d’économie médicale, 2012, 30, 7-8, 435-53
Brown J., Sox H., Foodman D., Financial Incentives to Improve Quality : Skating to the Puck or Avoiding the Penalty Box?, JAMA, 2015, 311, 10, 1009-12
Kahn III C., Ault T., Potetz L., -Walke T., Hart Chambersand J., Burch S. Assessing Medicare's Hospital Pay-For-Performance Programs And Whether They Are Achieving Their Goals, Health Affairs, 34, no.8 (2015):1281-1288
Rajaram R, Chung JW, Kinnier CV, Barnard C., Mohanty S., Pavey E., McHugh M., Bilimoria K., Hospital characteristics associated with penalties in the centers for medicare & medicaid services hospital-acquired condition reduction program. JAMA 314, no 4 (28 juillet 2015): 375 83.
A retrospective review of medical errors adjudicated in court between 2002 and 2012 in Spain, Int J Quality Healthcare, In press 2016
No-fault Compensation for Treatment Injuries in Danish Public Hospitals 2006-2012 International Journal for Quality in Health Care In press
Bhargava S., Loewenstein G. Choosing a Health insurance Plan : complexity and consequences, JAMA, 2015, 14, 23-2505-06
Friebel R., Steventon A., The multiple aims of pay-for-performance and the risk of unintended consequences, BMJ Qual Saf Published Online First: doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2016-005392
Zuckerman, R., Sheingold S., Orav J., Ruhter J., Epstein A.. Readmissions, Observation, and the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program . New England Journal of Medicine, early on line, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1513024
Song Z., Colla C. Specialty-Based Global Payment A New Phase in Payment Reform JAMA June 7, 2016 Volume 315, Number 21
Kontopantelis E., Springate D., Ashcroft D., Valderas J., van der Veer
S., Reeves D., Guthrie B., Doran T.. Associations between Exemption and
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25, no. 9 (September 1, 2016): 657–70.
Aiken LH, Sloan D, Griffiths P, et al. Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care. BMJ Qual Saf 2016; [Epub ahead of print 15 Nov 2016] doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2016-005567.
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Agbabiaka T., Lietz M., Mira J., Warner B. A literature-based economic evaluation of healthcare preventable adverse events in EuropeInt J Qual Health Care (2017) 29 (1): 9-18.
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Schuster M., Oronato S., Meltzer D. Measuring the Cost of Quality Measurement JAMA. 2017;318(13):1219-1220. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.11525
Roberts, E. T., Zaslavsky, A. M., Barnett, M. L., Landon, B. E., Ding, L., & McWilliams, J. M. (2018). Assessment of the effect of adjustment for patient characteristics on hospital readmission rates: implications for pay for performance. JAMA internal medicine, 178(11), 1498-1507.
Allen, T., Whittaker, W., Kontopantelis, E., & Sutton, M. (2018). Influence of financial and reputational incentives on primary care performance: a longitudinal study. Br J Gen Pract, 68(677), e811-e818.
Sankaran, R., Sukul, D., Nuliyalu, U., Gulseren, B., Engler, T. A., Arntson, E., ... & Ryan, A. M. (2019). Changes in hospital safety following penalties in the US Hospital Acquired Condition Reduction Program: retrospective cohort study. bmj, 366, l4109.
Mahase E. Costs of preventable harm could pay for thousands of nurses, BMJ study finds BMJ2019; 366doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l4722(Published 17 July 2019) BMJ2019;366:l4722
Magid B., Murphy C., Lankiewicz J., Lawandi N., Poulton A.Pricing for safety and quality in healthcare: A discussion paper, Infection, Disease & Health Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 49-53
Chhabra, K. R., Ibrahim, A. M., Thumma, J. R., Ryan, A. M., & Dimick, J. B. (2019). Impact Of Medicare Readmissions Penalties On Targeted Surgical Conditions. Health Affairs, 38(7), 1207-1215.
Joshi S, Nuckols T, Escarce J, Huckfeldt P, Popescu I, Sood N. Regression to the Mean in the Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program. JAMA Intern Med. Published online June 26, 2019179(9):1167–1173. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.1004
Shrank WH, Rogstad TL, Parekh N. Waste in the US Health Care System: Estimated Costs and Potential for Savings. JAMA. Published online October 07, 2019322(15):1501–1509. Doi :10.1001/jama.2019.13978