Voici une sélection d'articles sur les briefings et la check-list au bloc ainsi que leur analyse commentée.
Franklin BJ, Gandhi TK, Bates DW, et al Impact of multidisciplinary team huddles on patient safety: a systematic review and proposed taxonomy BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First: 07 April 2020. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009911
Armstrong BA, Dutescu IA, Nemoy L, et al Effect of the surgical safety checklist on provider and patient outcomes: a systematic review BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First: 07 April 2022. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2021-014361
Page, B. M., Urbach, D. R., & Brull, R. (2022). Optimizing timing of completion of the Surgical Safety Checklist to account for emergence from anesthesia. CMAJ, 194(18), E650-E651.
Rotteau L, Othman D, Dunbar-Yaffe R, et al Physician engagement in organizational patient safety through the implementation of a Medical Safety Huddle initiative : a qualitative study BMJ Quality & Safety.
Pimentel CB, Pimentel MPT, Hartmann CW Medical safety huddles to engage frontline physicians in patient safety: calling physicians back to the table BMJ Quality & Safety.
Gillespie BM, Ziemba JB - Lost in translation : does measuring "adherence" to the Surgical Safety Checklist indicate true implementation fidelity ? BMJ Quality & Safety.
Paxino J, Szabo RA, Marshall S, et al What and when to debrief : a scoping review examining interprofessional clinical debriefing BMJ Quality & Safety.
Phillips EC, Tallentire V, Routine versus prompted clinical debriefing : aligning aims, mechanisms and implementation BMJ Quality & Safety Published.
Urbach D., Govindarajan A., Saskin R., Wilton A. Baxter N., Introduction of Surgical Safety Checklists in Ontario, Canada, N Engl J Med 2014; 370:1029-1038 March 13, 2014
Borchard, A, David L. , Schwappach B. , Aline Barbir A., Bezzola P. A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness, Compliance, and Critical Factors for Implementation of Safety Checklists in Surgery . Annals of Surgery (September2012): 1.
Makary, M., Murkherjee A., Sexton B., Syin D., Goodrich E., Hartmann E., ROwen L. Behrens D. MArohn M., Pronovost P. Operating Room Briefings and Wrong-Site Surgery, J Am Coll Surg 2007;204:236–243
Lingard L, Regehr, G, Orser, B, Reznic R.BakerB., Doran D., Espin S. Bohnen J., Whyte,S. Evaluation of a Preoperative Checklist and Team Briefing Among Surgeons, Nurses, and Anesthesiologists to Reduce Failures in Communication, Arch Surg. 2008;143(1):12-17
Nundy, S.; Murkherjee A., Sexton B., Pronovost P. Knight,A MBA; Rowen, Duncan, M.Syin,D.; Makary M. Impact of Preoperative Briefings on Operating Room Delays, Arch Surg. 2008;143(11):1068-1072
Catchpole, K ; Mishra, A; Handa, A ; McCulloch, P , Teamwork and Error in the Operating Room: Analysis of Skills and Roles, Ann Surg.2008247(4):699-706
de Vries E., Boermeester M., Gouma D. WHO’s checklist forsurgery: don’t confine it to the operating room, the Lancet, 372, September 27, 2008:1348-49
Stahel P., Learning from aviation safety: a call for formal "readbacks" in Surgery, Patient Safety in Surgery 2008, 2:21
Haynes A.,Weiser T., Berry,W., Lipsitz S., Breizat, Dellinger, Herbosa, Joseph, S., Kibatala, P., Lapitan, C., Merry, A., Moorthy, K., Richard K, Taylor B., A. Gawande,A. A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population, N Engl J Med 2009;360:491-9.
ElBardissi A., Regenbogen S., Greenberg C.; Berry W., Arriaga, A; Moorman, D.; Retik, A.; Warshaw, A., Zinner, M., Gawande, Atul Communication Practices on 4 Harvard Surgical Services: A Surgical Safety CollaborativeAnnals of surgery, 2009, 250(6):861-865
Koshbin A., Lingard L., Wright J., Evaluation of preoperative and perioperative operating room briefings at the Hospital for Sick Children, CanJSurg, 2009, 53, 4: 309-
Eisen L., Savel R. What went right, Chess, 2009, 136:910-917
Neily J., Mills P., Young-Xu Y., Carney, B., West P., Berger D., Mazzia D., Paull D., Bagian J. Association Between Implementation of a Medical Team Training Program and Surgical Mortality, JAMA. 2010;304(15):1693-1700
De Vries, E., Prins H., Crolla R., and the SURPASS group, Effect of a Comprehensive Surgical Safety System on Patient Outcomes, N Eng J. Med 2010, 363:1928-1937
Semel E., Reach S., Haynes, A., Funk L., Bader A., Berry W., Weiser T., Gawande A. Adopting a Surgical safety Checklist could save money and improve the quality of care in US hospitals, Health affairs, 29, 9, 1593-99
Weiser T., Haynes A., Lashoher A., Ziekan G., Boorman D.,, Berry W. Gawande A., Perpectives in Quality: designing the WHO surgical safety Checklist, 2010, IJQHC, 22, 5: 356-70
Gillespie B., Chaboyer W., Wallis M., et al, Why isn’t ’time out’ being implemented? An exploratory study, Qual Saf Health Care 2010 19: 103-106
Vats A.,Vincent C. Nagpal, K., Davies R., Darzi, A. Moorthy K., Practical challenges of introducing WHO surgical checklist: UK pilot experience, BMJ 2010;340:b5433
Haynes A ;, Weiser T ;, Berry W., Lipsitz, Breizat A, Dellinger E., Dziekan G., Herbosa T;, Kibatala P., Lapitan M., Merry A., Reznick, Taylor B., Vats A;, Gawande A., Changes in safety attitude and relationship to decreased postoperative morbidity and mortality following implementation of a checklist-based surgical safety intervention, BMJ QUal Saf 2011, 20:102-07
de Vries, E.; Eikens-Jansen, M.; Hamersma, A.; Smorenburg, S.; Gouma, D.; Boermeester, M., Prevention of surgical malpractice claims by use of a surgical safety checklist Annals of Surgery. 253(3):624-628, March 2011
Pronovost P. Navigating adaptive challenges in quality improvement, BMJ Qual Saf July 2011 Vol 20 No 7
Neily J., Mills P., Eldridge N.,Carney B. Pfeffer D., Turner J., Youg-Xu Y., Gunhnar W., Bagian J. , Incorrect Surgical Procedures Within and Outside of the Operating Room Arch Surg. Published online July 18, 2011.
Fourcade, A., Blache JL, Grenier C., Bourgain JL, Minvielle E., BArriers to staff adoption of a surgical safety checklist, BMJ first online 7 november, 2011
McConnell DJ, Fargen KM, Mocco J. Surgical checklists: A detailed review of their emergence, development, and relevance to neurosurgical practice. Surg Neurol Int. 2012 janv 21;3.
Mainthia R, Lockney T, Zotov A, France DJ, Bennett M, St. Jacques PJ, et al. Novel use of electronic whiteboard in the operating room increases surgical team compliance with pre-incision safety practices. Surgery [Internet]. [cité 2012 avr 8];(0).
Rapport HAS
Walker, I. A., S. Reshamwalla, et I. H. Wilson. « Surgical Safety Checklists: Do They Improve Outcomes? » British Journal of Anaesthesia 109, no. 1 (janvier 7, 2012): 47–54
Rodrigues SP, Wever AM, Dankelman J, Jansen FW. Risk factors in patient safety: minimally invasive surgery versus conventional surgery. Surg Endosc. 2012 févr;26(2):350–6.
Soong C, Daub S, Lee J, Majewski C, Musing E, Nord P, Wyman R, Baker GR, Zacharopoulos N, Bell CM.. Development of a checklist of safe discharge practices for hospital patients. J Hosp Med. 2013 Mar 29. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2032. [Epub ahead of print]
CullatiS., Le DuS. RaëA.C, MicallefM., KhabiriE., OurahmouneA., BoireauxA., LickerM , ChopardC. Is the Surgical Safety Checklist successfully conducted? An observational study of social interactions in the operating rooms of a tertiary hospital BMJ Qual Saf 2013;22:8 639-646
Treadwell J., Lucas S., Tsou A. Surgical check-lists : a systematic review of impacts and implementation, BMJQual Saf, 2014;23:299–318
Haugen A. , Søfteland E., Almeland S., Sevdalis N., Vonen B., Eide G., Nortvedt M., Harthug S. Effect of the World Health Organization Checklist on Patient Outcomes: A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Surgery 261, no 5 (mai 2015): 821‑28
Young-Xu Y, Neily J, Mills PD, Carney BT, West P, Berger DH, et al. Association Between Implementation of a Medical Team Training Program and Surgical Morbidity. Arch Surg. 2011 déc 1;146(12):1368–73
Catchpole K., Russ S. The problem with checklists BMJ Qual Saf 2015;24:545–549.
Ong A., Devcich D., Hannam J., Lee T., Merry A., Mitchell S. A ‘paperless’ Wall-Mounted Surgical Safety Checklist with Migrated Leadership Can Improve Compliance and Team Engagement. BMJ Quality & Safety, 30 décembre 2015, bmjqs 2015 004545.
Bock M, Fanolla A, Segur-Cabanac I, Auricchio F., Melani C., Girardi F., A comparative effectiveness analysis of the implementation of surgical safety checklists in a tertiary care hospital JAMA Surgery, 3 février 2016.
Jones, N. Tune-in and Time-out: Toward Surgeon-Led Prevention of “Never” Events, Journal of Patient Safety, janvier 2016, 1.
In Conversation With… Lucian Leape, MD | AHRQ Patient Safety Network
Singer S., Molina G., Li Z., Jiang W., Nurudeen S., Kite J., Edmondson L., Foster R., Haynes A., Berry W. Relationship Between Operating Room Teamwork, Contextual Factors, and Safety Checklist Performance. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, juillet 2016.
Overdyk, F., Dowling O., Newman S., Glatt D., Chester M., Armellino D., Cole B., Landis G., Schoenfeld D., DiCapua J. Remote Video Auditing with Real-Time Feedback in an Academic Surgical Suite Improves Safety and Efficiency Metrics: A Cluster Randomised Studya BMJ Quality & Safety 25, no. 12 (December 1, 2016): 947–53.
Edbrooke-Childs J, Hayes J, Sharples E, et al. Development of the Huddle Observation Tool for structured case management discussions to improve situation awareness on inpatient clinical wards BMJ Qual Saf 2018;27:365–372
Gawande, A. (2010). Checklist manifesto, the (HB). Penguin Books Indian
Russ, S., Rout, S., Sevdalis, N., Moorthy, K., Darzi, A., & Vincent, C. (2013). Do safety checklists improve teamwork and communication in the operating room? A systematic review. Annals of surgery, 258(6), 856-871.
Tang, R., Ranmuthugala, G., & Cunningham, F. (2014). Surgical safety checklists: a review. ANZ journal of surgery, 84(3), 148-154.
Bergs, J., Hellings, J., Cleemput, I., Zurel, Ö., De Troyer, V., Van Hiel, M., ... & Vandijck, D. (2014). Systematic review and meta‐analysis of the effect of the World Health Organization surgical safety checklist on postoperative complications. British Journal of Surgery, 101(3), 150-158.
Wangoo L., Ray, R. Ho Y. Compliance and Surgical Team Perceptions of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist; Systematic Review. Int Surg: Jan.-Feb. 2016, Vol. 101, No. 1-2, pp. 35-49.
Gillespie, B. M., Harbeck, E. L., Lavin, J., Hamilton, K., Gardiner, T., Withers, T. K., & Marshall, A. P. (2018). Evaluation of a patient safety programme on Surgical Safety Checklist Compliance: a prospective longitudinal study. BMJ Open Qual, 7(3), e000362.