Zimmerman R. Doctors’ new tool for fighting lawsuits: saying ‘I’m sorry.’ The Wall Street Journal. May 18, 2004:A1.
This article supports the proposition that the best tool to minimize the possibility of being sued may be as simple as expressing condolence and empathy when there is a bad outcome. The lawsuit reform bill that recently passed the Oklahoma legislature, H.B. 2661, contains an "I'm Sorry Law" that permits physicians to express condolence without those statements being used against them in court. For more information regarding the power of an apology, physicians may want to obtain the book by Michael S. Woods, M.D. (a speaker at the OSMA Physician Survival Summit) titled: "Healing Words: The Power of Apology in Medicine."
Banal, typique d’un article de presse qui fait de la pub pour un bouquin (que je n’ai pas lu).