Voici une sélection d'articles concernant les Etudes Nationales sur les événements indésirables graves.
Wiig S., Braithwaite J., Clay-Williams R., It’s time to step it up. Why safety investigations in healthcare should look more to safety science, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, , mzaa013
Connolly W, Rafter N, Conroy RM, et al The Irish National Adverse Event Study-2 (INAES-2) : longitudinal trends in adverse event rates in the Irish healthcare system. BMJ Quality & Safety Published Online First : 12 January 2021. doi : 10.1136/bmjqs-2020-011122
Brennan T, Leape L., Laird N., Localio A., Lawthers A., Newhouse J., & al. Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard medical practice survey study I. New England Journal Med. 1991; 324:370-376.
Leape L, Brennan T., Laird N., Lawthers A., Localio A., Barnes B., & al. The nature of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard medical practice survey study II. New England Journal Med. 1991; 324:377-384.
Bates, D., Cullen, D., Laird, N. & al. Incidence of adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events: implication for prevention. 1995, JAMA, 274, 29-34.
Wilson, R., Harrison, B., Gibberd, R., Hamilton, J. (1999). An analysis of the causes of adverse events from the quality in Australian Health Care Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 1999, 170(May): 411-15.
Thomas, E., Studdert, L., Burstin, H.Orav, E., Zeena, T., Williams, J., & al. Incidence and types of Adverse events and negligent care in Utah and Colorado. Medical Care, 2000, 38(3), 261-271.
Vincent, C., Neale, G., Woloshynowych, M. Adverse events in British hospitals: preliminary retrospective record review. BMJ, 2001, 322: 517-519.
Davies, P., Lay-Yee, R., Briant, R., Shug, S., Scott, A., Johnson, S, et al. (2001). Adverse events in New Zealand public hospitals: principal findings from a national survey. Wellington: NZ ministery of Health
Schioler, T., Lipczac, H., Pedersen, B., et al. Incidence of adverse events in Hospitals. A retrospective study of medical records. 2003, Ugeskr Laeger, 163: 5370-5378
Adjeoda, K., Michel, P., de Sarasqueta A.M., Pohié, E., Quenon, J.L., Analyse approfondie des causes d’évènements iatrogènes en milieu hospitalier, étude de la reproductibilité des analyses dans l’enquête ENEIS, Risque et qualité, 2004, 4: 9-15
Baker, R., Norton, P., Flintoft, V., Blais, R., Brown, A., Cox, J., & al. The Canadian adverse events study: the incidence of adverse events among hospital patients in Canada. 2004, JMAC, 170(11), 1678-1686.
Michel, P., Quenon, J.L., de Sarasqueta, A.M., Scemama, O. Comparison of three methods for estimating rates of adverse events and rates of preventable adverse events in acute care hospitals. 2004. BMJ, 328, 1-5.
Michel P., Quenon, J.L., Djihoud, A., Tricuad-Vialle, S., de Sarasqueta, A.M. Domecq, S. Les évènements indésirables graves liés aux soins observés dans les établissements de santé : premiers résultats d’une étude nationale, Etudes et résultats (DRESS), 2005, 398:1-16
Soop M. Frysmark, U. Koster, M. Haglund B. The incidence of adverse events in Swedish hospitals: a retrospective medical record review study, International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2009; 21, N 4: 285–291
Mendes W. Martins M.,Rozenfeld S ;, Travassos C. The assessment of adverse events in hospitals in Brazil, International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2009; Volume 21, Number 4: pp. 279–284
Michel, Ph. Minodier C., Moty-Monereau C., Lathelize M., Domecq S., Chaliex M., Kret M., Roberts T., Bru R., Quintard B., Quenon JL, Olier L. Les événements indésirables graves dans les établissements de santé : fréquence, évitabilité et acceptabilité, Etudes et résultats, DREES, N° 761 • mai 2011
Matlow A., Baker R. Flintoft V. Cochrane D., Coffey M., Cohen E. Cronin C., Damignani R., Dubé R., Galbraith R. Hartfield D., Newhook L., Nijssen-Jordan C. Adverse events among children in Canadian hospitals: the Canadian Paediatric Adverse Events Study, CMAJ, September 18, 2012, 184(13)
Stewart K., Harrison R., Lawton R., Most doctors have negative experiences of reporting incidents, BMJ2013 347 :f6714
An introduction to the NHS England Patient Safety Alerting System, 31 january 2014, NHS
Howell A-M, Burns EM, Bouras G, Donaldson LJ, Athanasiou T, Darzi A (2015) Can Patient Safety Incident Reports Be Used to Compare Hospital Safety? Results from a Quantitative Analysis of the English National Reporting and Learning System Data. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144107. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144107
Stravopoulou C., Doherty C., Tosey P. How effective are Incident-Reporting Systems for improving patient safety ?, a litterature review, Volume 93, Issue 4 (pages 826–866)
Rafter N., Hickey A., Conroy R., Condell S., O’Connor P., Vaughan D., Walsh G., Williams D. The Irish National Adverse Events Study (INAES): the frequency and nature of adverse events in Irish hospitals—a retrospective record review study BMJ Qual Saf Published Online First: doi:10.1136/bmjqs- 2015-004828
Haplfon P., Staines A., Burnand B. Adverse events related to hospital care: a retrospective medical records review in a Swiss hospital International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Volume 29, Issue 4, 1 August 2017, Pages 527 533, https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzx061
Panagioti, M., Khan, K., Keers, R. N., Abuzour, A., Phipps, D., Kontopantelis, E., ... & Ashcroft, D. M. (2019). Prevalence, severity, and nature of preventable patient harm across medical care settings: systematic review and meta-analysis. bmj, 366, l4185.