Voici une sélection d'articles sur les systèmes de signalement informatique des EIG.
Bates, W. Using information technology to reduce rates of medication errors in hospitals, BMJ, 2000, 320:788-91
Benson, T. why General practitioners use computers and hospital doctors do not: Part1: incentives, BMJ 2002, 325: 1086-89
Mc Donald, C. Computerization can create safety hazards : a bar coding near miss, Ann. Int.med, 2006, 144 :510-516
Bates, D., Kuperman, G., Wang, S., Gandhi, T. , Kittler, A., Volk, L., et al. Ten Commandments for Effective Clinical Decision Support: Making the Practice of Evidence-Based Medicine a Reality. JAMIA , 2003, 10(6): 523-530
Cox JL, Zitner D, Courtney KD, MacDonald DL, Paterson G, Cochrane B, et al.Undocumented patient information: an impediment to quality of care. American Journal of Medicine, 2003, 114(3):211-216
Zhan C, Miller MR. Administrative data based patient safety research: a critical review. Qual Saf Health Care 2003; 12(suppl II):ii58-ii63.
Tuttle D, Holloway R, Baird T, Sheehan B, Skelton WK. Electronic reporting to improve patient safety. Qual Saf Health Care 2004; 13:281-6.
Goldschmidt, P., HIT and MIS implications of health information technology and medical information systems, Communications of the ACM, October 2005, 48 (10) 69-74
Berkowitz, E., Ferrant, M., Goben, L., McKenna, K., Robey, J., Goodwin, L., Molstad, D. Evaluation of online reporting systems, report of the Duke University school of Nursing, April 2005
Husch, M., Sullivan, C., Rooney; D., Barnard, C. Fotis, M. Clarke, J., Noskin, G. Insights from the sharp end of intraveinous medication errors : implications for infusion pump technology, Qual. Saf. Health Care, 2005:14 80-86
Melton, G. Hripscak, G., Automated detection of adverse event using natural language processing of discharge summaries, JAMIA, 2005:12:448-457
Nelson, E. Lloyd, R. Nolan T. Martin, L. IHI’s whole system measure tool kit, version 2.0, draft report IHI, 2005
Thomas, E., Sexton, B., Neilands, T., Frankel, A. Helmreich, R. The effect of executive walkrounds on nurse climate attitudes: A randomized trial of clinical units, BMC Health Services Reseach, 2005, 5-28
Kesselheim, A. , Ferris, T, Studdert, D. Will Physician-Level Measures of Clinical Performance Be Used in Medical Malpractice Litigation? JAMA, April 19, 2006 295(15):1831–34
Govindan M., Van Citters A., Nelson E., Kelly-Cummings J., Suresh G., Automated detection of harm in healthcare with information technology : a systematic review, Qual Saf Health Care, 2010:19
Jayaram G., Doyle D., Steinwachs D., Samuels J., Electronic Systems Reduce Drug Errors in Psychiatry, Journal of Psychiatric Practice: March 2011 - Volume 17 - Issue 2 - p 81–88
Weiner J., Fowles J., Chan K., New paradigms for measuring clinical performance using electronic health records, IJQHC, 2012, 24, 3, 200-12
Singh H., Giardina T., Forjuoh S., Reis M., Kosmach S., Khan M., Thomas E., Electronic health record-based surveillance of diagnostic error in primary care, BMJ Qual Saf 2012;21:93e100.