Voici une sélection d'articles qui comparent les systèmes de sécurité dans les domaines de l'industrie (aviation) et de la médecine.
Rotteau, L., Goldman, J., Shojania, K. G., Vogus, T. J., Christianson, M., Baker, G. R., ... & Coffey, M. (2022). Striving for high reliability in healthcare: a qualitative study of the implementation of a hospital safety programme. BMJ Quality & Safety. 2022;31:867-877.
Van Vuuren, W. Organisational failure: lessons from industry applied in the medical domain. Safety science, 1999, 33, 13-29
Helmreich, R. On error management: Lessons from aviation. BMJ, 2000, 320, 721-785.
Sexton JB, Thomas EJ, Helmreich RL. Error, stress, and teamwork in medicine and aviation: cross sectional studies. British Medical Journal 2000; 320: 745–9.
Gaba, D. Structural and Organizational issues in patient safety : a comparison of healthcare to other high-hazard industries, California review of management, 2000, 43 (1) 83-102
Barach, P., Small, SD. Reporting and preventing medical mishaps: lessons from non-medical near miss reporting systems. BMJ.2000, (320), 759-763
Carroll, J. Rudolph. J., Hatakenaka, S. Lessons learned from non-medical industries: root cause analysis as culture change at a chemical plant, Qual. Saf. Health Care, 2002, 11:266-269
Van der Shaaf, T. Medical applications of industrial safety science, Qual.Saf.Health Care, 2002: 11:205-206
Hudson, P. Applying the lessons of high risk industries to healthcare, Qual. Saf. Health Care, 2003: 12. suppl_1.i7-12
Rutherford W. Aviation safety: a model for health care? Quality and Safety in Health Care, 2003; 12: 162–163.
Patterson E., Roth E., Woods D., Chow R., Orlando Gomes J. Handoff strategies in settings with high consequences for failure: lessons for health care operations, International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2004; Volume 16, Number 2: pp. 125–132
Wilf-Miron R, Lewenhoff I, Benyamini Z, Aviram A. From aviation to medicine: applying concepts of aviation safety to risk management in ambulatory care. Qual Saf Health Care 2003; 12:35-39.
C., Salas E., Wilson Donnelly, Priest H.,How to turn a team of experts into an expert medical team: guidance from the aviation and military communities Qual Saf Health Care 2004;13:i96-i104
Harmann R. The complexity of tram training : what we have learned from aviation and its application to medicine, Qual Saf Health Care2004;13:i72-i79
Thomas E., Sexton B. Helmreich R. Translating teamwork behaviours from aviation to healthcare: development of behavioural markers for neonatal resuscitation Qual Saf Health Care 2004;13(Suppl 1):i57–i64
Singh DH., Pedersen L., Thomas E., Understanding diagnostic errors in medicine: a lesson from aviation Qual Saf Health Care 2006;15:159–164.
Thomas, E. Aviation Safety Methods: Quickly Adopted but Questions Remain, AHRQ letterJanuary 2006: Aviation and Patient Safety,
Powell S., Hill RK. My copilot is a nurse—using crew resource management
Payette M, Chatterjee A, Weeks WB. Cost and workforce implications of subjecting all physicians to aviation industry work-hour restrictions. Am J Surg 2009;197:820-5.
Vincent C. Benn J., Hanna G., High reliability in health care, Examples from other industries should be informative, not prescriptive, BMJ, 2010, 340
Grote G. Safety management in high-risk domains – All the same ? Safety Science, Volume 50, Issue 10,
Reynard, W., Billings, C., Cheney, E., HArdy, R. (1986). The development of the NASA Aviation safety reporting system (No. 1114). Moffet Field: NASA.
Billings C. Incident Reporting Systems in Medicine and Experience with the Aviation Safety Reporting System. Report from a Workshop on Assembling the Scientific Basis for Progress on Patient Safety. 1998, Key note address National Patient Safety Foundation.
Van der Shaaf, T., Hale, A. Lucas, D. (Ed.), Near miss reporting as a safety tool. Oxford: Butterworth-Heineman, .1995
Wersinga J., Levi M. What other industries can learn from Health Care, JAMA, 2016, 176, 4.
Jung A., Szczerba R., Huesch M. What Else Can Health Care Learn From the Aerospace and Defense Industries? Journal of Patient Safety: September 2017 - Volume 13 - Issue 3 - p 184–186