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Déviances, violations, non suivi des protocoles

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Voici une sélection d'articles sur les déviances par rapport aux règles et recommandations dans le domaine médical...

2004 - Barrières et encouragement à suivre les recommandations


Grol R.,Wensing M. What drives change? Barriers to and incentives for achieving evidence-based practice, MJA 2004; 180 (6 Suppl): S57-S60

2005 - Ambiguités et non suivi des recommandations comme source d’erreurs


Spear A., Schmidhofer M. Ambiguity and Workarounds as Contributors to Medical Error Ann Intern Med. 2005;142:627-630.

2006 - Les modèles expliquant les non conformités


Amalberti, R., Vincent, C., Auroy, Y., de Saint Maurice, G., (2006) Framework models of migrations and violations: a consumer guide, Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2006;15(suppl_1):i66-i71

2006 - Trois théories testées pour expliquer les déviances


Espin S., Lingard L., Baker J. Regehr G. Persistence of unsafe practice in everyday work: an exploration of organizational and psychological factors constraining safety in the operating roomQual Saf Health Care 2006;15:165–170.

2008 - Pourquoi les médecins ne suivent pas les recommandations


Francke AL., Smit M., de Veer A., Mistaen P., Factors influencing the implementation of clinical guidelines for health care professionals: A systematic meta-review , BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2008, 8:38

2008 - Contrôle du chariot d’urgences


Smith A. Kinross J., Bailey M., Aggarwal R., Toresen D., Vincent C. Re-stocking the resuscitation trolley: how good is compliance with checking procedures? Clinical Risk 2008; 14: 4–7

2008 - Variations de prescriptions de doses radiothérapiques selon les institutions


Das I, Cheng C., Chopra K., Mitra R.,  Srivastava  S., Glatstein E.Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Dose Prescription, Recording, and Delivery: Patterns of Variability Among Institutions and Treatment Planning Systems, J Natl Cancer Inst 2008;100: 300 – 307

2009 - Revue de littérature industrielle sur violations


Alper S. Karsh B. A systematic review of safety violations in industry, Accident Analysis and Prevention 41 (2009) 739–754

2009 - Le leanthinking et le suivi strict de protocol comme philosophie


Joosten T. Bongers I., Janssen R., Application of lean thinking to health care: issues and observations, International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2009; Volume 21, Number 5: pp. 341–347

2009 - Le cas effrayant du Dr Shipman


Baker R., Hurwitz B. Intentionally harmful violations and patient safety: the example of Harold Shipman, J R soc Med 2009:102 223-27

2010 - Vie et mort d’une règle de sécurité peu stratégique


De Saint Maurice, G., Auroy, Y., Vincent, C., Amalberti, R., (2010) The natural life span of a safety policy: violations and migration in anaesthesia, Qual Saf Health Care, 2010, Aug;19(4):327-31

2010 - Exceptions médicales au suivi des recommandations : bien fondées ou non ?


Persell, S., Dolan, N., Friesema, E., Thompson, J., Kaiser, D., Baker, D Frequency of Inappropriate Medical Exceptions to Quality Measures Annals Intern Med. 2010;152:225-231

2010 - Un manque criant d’évaluation des recommandations crée le terreau pour la déviance


Grol R. and Gibbons R.,Has guideline development gone astray ? BMJ 2010; 340:c343

2010 - Comment conserver la compliance sur le long terme


Knops A., Storm-Versloot M. Mank A., Ubbin D., Vermeulen H., Bossuyt P., Goossens A. Factors influencing long-term adherence to two previously implemented hospital guidelines, International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2010; Volume 22, Number 5: pp. 421–429

2010 - Déviances en radiothérapie


Simons P., Houben R., Backes H., Pijls R., Groothuis S. Compliance to technical guidelines for radiotherapy treatment in relation to patient safety Int J. Qual Health Care, 2010Volume 22, Number 3: pp. 187–193

2011 - Déviances et oublis dans le suivi des examens cliniques


Callen J. Georgiou A., Li, J. Westbrook J. The safety implications of missed test results for hospitalised patients: a systematic review BMJ Qual Saf 2011;20:194e199.

2011 - Conséquences de l’excès de règles sur la non observance


Carthey J. Deelchand V. Vincent C. Griffiths W. Breaking the rules: understanding non-compliance with policies and guidelines, BMJ 2011;343:d5283

2011 - Observance des guidelines d’antibioprophylaxie


Meeks D., Lally K., Carrick M., Lew D., Thomas E., Doyle P., Kao L., Compliance with guidelines to prevent surgical site infections : As simple as 1-2-3, Am J surgery, 201, 1 , 2011, 76-83

2012 - Suivi des recommandations dans la surveillance des cancers de l’ovaire


Baldwin L., Trivers K., Andrilla H., Miller J., Berry D., Lishner D., Goff B. Vignette-Based Study of Ovarian Cancer Screening: Do U.S. Physicians Report Adhering to Evidence-Based Recommendations?Ann Intern Med. 2012;156:182-194.

2011 - Gestion des patients multi-morbides


Roland M., Paddison C., Better management of patients with multimorbidity BMJ 2013;346:f2510 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2510 (Published 2 May 2013)

2014 - La déviance positive : une approche différente de la sécurité des patients


Lawton R., Taylor N., Clay-Willians R., Braithwaite J., Positive deviance : a different approach to acheiving patient safety, BMJ Qual Saf Published Online First: [2014] doi:10.1136/ bmjqs-2014-003115

2017 - Contournements de procédures dans l'usage des systèmes de prescriptions informatisées


Cresswell K., Mozaffar H , Lee L.,Williams R., SheikhA. Workarounds to hospital electronic prescribing systems: a qualitative study in English hospitals BMJ Qual Saf 2017;26:542–551