Voici une sélection d'articles sur le thème du temps de travail / temps de repos des chirurgiens et internes.
Jena, A. B., Farid, M., Blumenthal, D., & Bhattacharya, J. (2019). Association of residency work hour reform with long term quality and costs of care of US physicians: observational study. bmj, 366, l4134.
Weaver MD, Landrigan CP, Sullivan JP, et al National improvements in resident physician-reported patient safety after limiting first-year resident physicians’ extended duration work shifts: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies BMJ Quality & Safety 2023;32:81-89.
Weaver M. D., Sullivan, J. P. Landrigan, C. P., & Barger L. K. (2023). Systematic review of the impact of physician work schedules on patient safety with meta-analyses of mortality risk. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Volume 49, Issue 11, November 2023, Pages 634-647.
Carr, M. M., Foreman, A. M., Friedel, J. E., O’Brien, D. C., & Wirth, O. (2024). Factors Affecting Medical Residents Decisions to Work After Call. Journal of Patient Safety, 20(1), 16-21.
Brasher, A. Chrowdrhy, S., Hauge, L., Prinz, R., Medical students’ perception of resident teaching: have duty hours regulations had an impact?, Annals Surg, Meeting of the American Surgical Association 2005, 123, 242-49
Poulose, B., Ray, W., Arbogast, P., Needkleman, J., Buerhaus, P., Griffin, M., Abumrad, N., Beauchamp, D., Holzman, M., Resident work hour limits and patient safety, Annals Surg, 2005, 241 (6), 847-60
Salim, A., Teixeira, P., Chan, L., Oncel, D., Inaba, K ., Brown, C., Rhee, P., Berne, T., Impact of the 80-hour workweek on patient care at a level 1 trauma center, Arch Surg, 2007 142:708-14
Pape H., Pfeifer R., Restricted duty hours for surgeons and impact on residents quality of life, education, and patient care: a literature review Patient Safety in Surgery 2009, 3:3
Michel C., Mooty C., Dunn E., Rmberger K., Mangram A. Resident fatigue : is there a patient safety issue ?, The American J of Surgery, 198, 6, 811-16, 2009
Payette M, Chatterjee A, Weeks WB. Cost and workforce implications of subjecting all physicians to aviation industry work-hour restrictions. Am J Surg 2009;197:820-5.
Purcell Jackson G., Tarpley J. How long it take to train a surgeon, BMJ, 2009, 339, 1062-64
Nurok, M.., Czeisler, C., Soleymani Lehmann L., Sleep Deprivation, Elective Surgical Procedures, and Informed Consent, N engl j med, 2011, 363;27, 2577-80
Mc Donald N., Hébert P., Flegel K., Stanbrook M., Working while sleep-deprived : not just a problem for residents, CMAJ, October 18, 2011, 183(15) : 1689-95
Impairment in Residents, A. Arch Surg. 2012;147(5):430-435.
Dorion, D, Darveau S., Do Micropauses Prevent Surgeonʼs Fatigue and Loss of Accuracy Associated With Prolonged Surgery? Annals of Surgery . Preprint POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 20 July 2012
EU regulations stopping doctors getting trained, warns top surgeon
Schwartz S., Galante J., Kaji A., Dolich M., Easter D., Melcher M., Patel K., Reeves M., Salim A., Senagore A., Takanishi D. de Vergilio C. Effect of the 16-Hour Work Limit on General Surgery Intern Operative Case Volume, A Multi-institutional Study JAMA Surg. 2013;148(9):829-833.
Drolet B., Sangisetty S., Tracy T. Cioffi W. Surgical Residents' Perceptions of 2011 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Duty Hour Regulations JAMA Surg. 2013;148(5):427-433
Kirton O. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Duty Hour Regulations How Do We Make the Best of an Unpopular Situation in Training the Surgeons of Tomorrow? JAMA SURG/VOL 148 (NO. 5), MAY 2013 433-434
Ahmed N.., Devitt K., Keshet I., Spicer J. Imrie K., Feldman L., et al A Systematic Review of the Effects of Resident Duty Hour Restrictions in Surgery, Impact on Resident Wellness, Training, and Patient Outcomes Annals of surgery, June 2014 - Volume 259 - Issue 6
Patel S., Volpp K., Small D., Hill A., Even-Shoshan O., Rosembaum L., Ross R., Bellini L., Zhu J., Silber J. Association of the 2011 ACGME Resident Duty Hour ReformsWith Mortality and Readmissions Among Hospitalized Medicare Patients, JAMA. 2014;312(22):2364-2373
Bilimoria K., Hoyt D., Lewis F. Making the Case for Investigating Flexibility in Duty Hour Limits for Surgical Residents JAMA Surg. 2015;150(6):503-504
Govindarajan, A., Urbach, D. R., Kumar, M., Li, Q., Murray, B. J., Juurlink, D., ... & Baxter, N. N. (2015). Outcomes of Daytime Procedures Performed by Attending Surgeons after Night Work. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(9), 845-853.
Antiel R., Van Arendonk K., Reed D., Terhune K., Tarpley J., Porterfield J., Hall D., Joyce D., Wghtman S., Horvath K., Heller S., Farley D. Surgical Training, Duty-Hour Restrictions, and Implications for Meeting the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Core Competencies Effects of Duty Hour Restrictions on Core Competencies, Education, Quality of Life, and Burnout Among General Surgery Interns Arch Surg. 2012;147(6):536-541.
R., Reed D., Van Arendonk K., Wightman S. , Hall D., Porterfield J., Horvath K., Terhune K., Tarple J, Farley D. Effects of Duty Hour Restrictions on Core
Competencies, Education, Quality of Life, and Burnout Among General Surgery Interns, JAMA Surg.
Asch D., Bilimoria K., Desai S. Resident Duty Hours and Medical Education Policy — Raising the Evidence Bar n engl j med 376;18 nejm.org May 4, 2017